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PS3Splitter release info

We are happy to announce another PS3Splitter release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • Please feel free to leave a comment here on any usage difficulties or benefits of this version.
Give PS3Splitter a try to see what it's really capable of!

Submitted changes:
  • Files are processed in input directory by default.
  • PS3Splitter now skips existing processed files.
  • General fixes to enhance the s

How to sanitize a file name using LINQ

From this article you can learn how to sanitize a file name using simple LINQ query. SanitizeFilename function takes two parameters:
  • name - filename that needs to be sanitized
  • replaceChar - char used to replace all invalid file name characters
Implementation is available both in C# and VB.Net languages. Use buttons below to switch language visibility.


System.Linq namespace needs to be put in usings.

public static string SanitizeFileName(string name, char replaceChar)
  return Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Aggregate(name, (current, c) => current.Replace(c, replaceChar));
Public Shared Function SanitizeFileName(name As String, replaceChar As Char) As String
  Return Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Aggregate(name, Function(current, c) current.Replace(c, replaceChar))
End Function

ExigoBatch release info

We are happy to announce first ExigoBatch release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • Please feel free to leave a comment here on any usage difficulties or benefits of this version.
  • This is still a beta release and as such may be unstable.
  • ExigoBatch in beta release connects to Karmian Update Service on application startup. Keeping all features and bug fixes up to date is necessary in our opinion.
Give ExigoBatch a try to see what it's really capable of!

GoldenSharp release info

We are happy to announce second GoldenSharp release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • Please feel free to leave a comment here on any usage difficulties or benefits of this version.
  • This is still a beta release and as such may be unstable.
  • GoldenSharp in beta release connects to Karmian Update Service on application startup. Keeping all features and bug fixes up to date is necessary in our opinion.
Give GoldenSharp a try to see what it's really capable of!

Submitted changes:
  • Feature: Introduced GoldenSharp Pill - whole project in one file.
  • Feature: Working with referenced assemblies.
  • Feature: Handling multiple code source files.
  • Several bug fixes.

About Capable Objects

The Company

Capable Objects (CO) offers products and services for developing systems based on a Domain Model. Principal developers are

  • Jan Nordén (Architecture, deep thinking and looking worried),
  • Jonas Högström (ECO Core runtime, OCL parser, Persistence mapping) and
  • Hans Karlsen (Modlr, ViewModels, WECPOF).

CapableObjects AB, located in Stockholm, Sweden, is a privately held company.


ECO is the name of the design time product and also the name of the runtime framework that you use to power model driven applications.
The runtime bits of ECO are royalty free.

The design time bits of ECO consists of several parts:

  • Modlr – the flexible UML modeler surface
  • ViewModelEditor – the intuitive way to transform model views to perspectives
  • ActionEditor – definitions of what,when and how users see your functions
  • EAInformation – harbors collected high level knowledge of a domain
  • WECPOF – the prototyper that lets you run your model
  • ReportDesigner – transform model driven data to reports

ECO works as a plugin to Visual Studio (currently 2010, earlier VS2005, VS2008)

AppComplete collects all the design time parts of ECO and offers this in a standalone Windows WPF application.

Complete source code can be licensed.

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